I’m taking a break from Snapchat. It’s an interesting service and worth checking out, but it’s started to become a time sink and a tiny bit annoying. ...
Up until early last year I was a big Evernote user. I used it about weekly to clip and write all sorts of notes. Now it's an afterthought. I haven't used it in months. And to be honest I just realized that.
What did I learn on my vacation? That work doesn’t disconnect when you don’t. While I was on vacation I still received work related email. This was a mistake.
I was asked about that picture I used yesterday. So here it is. There is nothing wrong with the picture itself. It was just inappropriate to use as clipart for the post I used it on. ...
Okay from now on Tuesday is to be known as Derpday. This morning was full of memory lapses, brain farts, visual mistakes, and at least one car accident. ...
So I was going over the Google Analytics stats for the newly launched Exploring Oklahoma History website, and I’m seeing quite a bit of Russian traffic. ...
It’s raining again, there’s road construction on my main route between work and home, I discovered a ketchup stain on my pants, and the office coffee is meh. Other than that everything's good. ...