The 7th Annual Mutant Awards: 2004

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2004 04:49 PM by K. Latham
My favorite movie review site, Mutant Reviewers From Hell, is having their 7th Annual Mutant Awards poll.
The Annual Mutant Awards are our weird fusion of polling with an over-the-top award show. Every year the Mutant staff burrows deep into our mole fortress and decides on eight unique categories, along with nominations for each of those. Then, blinking into the sunlight, we unleash the AMA ballot into the public, forever contaminating the water supply.
This year's categories:
  • Best Use of a Severed or Artificial Limb
  • Best Whining
  • Best Movie Scene Taking Place in a Bathroom
  • Most Wanton Destruction of Hordes of Extras
  • Worst Traumatic Moment in a Kiddie Flick
  • Sidekick Most in Need of Boiling in Oil
  • Prequel/Sequel That Should Never Have Happened
  • Craziest Musical Number
The polls close November 13th, so vote now.