MeeboMe Testing

Posted on Tuesday, January 23, 2007 09:21 AM by K. Latham
I saw this Meebo chat on the OC's web site, and thought I would take a look at it. I'm adding here for the moment to test it out.

UPDATE 1/30/07 3:22PM - Moved meebo me widget to Blog Oklahoma Network

Update: 1:45PM
Found out you can connect to your Meebo account via the Jabber plug-in in Trillian. So now I can login to Trillian, and talk with the MeeboMe chat above. The one annoyance I found so far with doing it this way are all the 'add to contacts' requests. This trick also works with Gaim and Miranda (w/ plugin).

Update 1/24 8:35a:
Screenshot of a conversation with MeeboMe and Trillian: