Tuesday. Tuesday morning ...

Posted on Tuesday, August 16, 2016 11:55 AM by K. Latham

Still testing out some IoT devices. Unfortunately I need to wait to let some things timeout. So much fun.

Just reviewed the stats for this week’s podcast (blogoklahoma.net). Not too bad for just a few days after release. Still not well into the hundreds yet, but it’s at least past the original 40 listeners. Ha. The audience is growing, very slowly, but growing none the less. The two Oklahoma History episodes I put out recently seem to be doing well. I’ll have to do more of those kinds of episodes in the future.

I need to do some research on how to get the subscriber count up on the Blog Oklahoma YouTube channel. I realize the episodes are nothing more than slideshows for the audio podcast, but I think I can do more at some point. youtube.com/c/blogoklahoma

As always your feedback on the Blog Oklahoma Podcast is appreciated, so please keep it coming.

Hope you’re having a good week so far.

More later. Time to code.