Running out of time for the week

Posted on Monday, December 23, 2002 10:39 PM by K. Latham
They are locking the doors at 2pm tomorrow, to give the ITL crew a well needed holiday break. My problem is I'm trying to finish up some things before my 5 day holiday vacation. No worries though. If I don't get done, I'll finish it next week. And its a short week too.

Merry Christmas everyone.

For those of you who need to get hold of me at the office, I won't be there. I'm off Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. If its important, I'll have the cell. But I'm sure you are off too, so have a great holiday.

PS: Did anyone you watch RAW tonight. JR got a win on a very good night. Royal Rumble is in January. I think this will be a must get. The Big Bad Booty Daddy vs. Triple HHH.