#blogmonth - Flu Shots

Posted on Thursday, October 05, 2023 08:47 PM by K. Latham

Donna and I got our flu shots this morning. Have you gotten yours yet? My arm is a little sore, but otherwise no ill effects. It makes me wonder If we need to go get our COVID booster shot. I’ll have to dig back through my records to see when I last got a booster. It might have been last year for as well as I track time. Ha!

Small update over at Blog Oklahoma. I’ve started to post Blog Oklahoma Newsletter previews on the blog. I’m hoping it’ll spark a little more interest in the Newsletter. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to have more content in the blog. Unfortunately, the site sits a little stagnant for weeks or months at a time. I’m just not productive enough with the podcast. I need to change that.

More later. Time to not catch the flu.